About at 12 o'clock on Tuesday we left by car for a mini-trip to Tuuri. Combined shopping and amusement park trip. Around 2 p.m., we had arrived there. We slept the night in a place called Tuuri Train Accommodation. The accommodation is right next to the Keskinen Kyläkauppa, within walking distance.. We had a room with 4 beds. The accommodation its made for the old steam train. We had room number 6.
Hallway to our room. |
At our railway carriage.
The train has shared shower facilities and kitchen facilities for washing dishes, cooking and making coffee. There is no TV in the rooms at all, but if you really want to watch one, you can find one in the kitchen above the fridge. The boys were really excited about the adventure in the hallways of the old train. In the evening, when I went to the shower or went to the kitchen to warm up the food, I probably stepped into some old-time mystical movie. or to some Harry Potter world. đź–¤. At least it felt like it when i walking around the train aisles and admiring the kitchen decorated with oriental lights and old suitcases and its hallway. |
Train Kitchen at night. |
kitchen hallway. |
We ate lots of candies. :D
Niki in our room.
We went to the Pizza Buffet to eat as soon as we got settled and took some of the stuff to our room. After eating, we started to have fun at Miljoona Tivoli until its closing time.
After Tivoli, we went to get chips, candy and food. In the evening we barbecued at the train accomodations yard.
Miljoona Tivoli, Tuuri. August 2020.
Kasmir likes very much to barbecue.
Sausages and my vegetarian food
Kasmir jumped into the hammock swing next to the barbecue area. Very soon Niki decided to jump there too. =)
On wednesday we went eat sausages, meatballs, cheesy vegetarian steak. Niki is now starting to be at that age that all sorts of coffee moments and eatings are always very awful experiences. :D Watermelons and french fries fly along the floors. Little man would like to stand in the middle of a table or, for example, on a windowsill. :D There is some kind of situation on all the time. :D
On Wednesday, we also visited the Moomin Park and the Rally Museum to see the cars before heading to the shopping. The Rally Museum is right next to Keskinen and there were items related to Jari-Matti Latvala's rally life. Cars and trophies.
We shopped for several hours before leaving home. Before we left to drive back to Kokkola, we went to have coffee and eat paninis at Vesa's café.
Luckily, good weather happened and it didn't rain a drop. Kasmir still wished "byebye" from the car window to our train when we set off to drive back. It was a fun train thing, a little different thing this time.